A Cup of Love: Ceremonial Cacao with Judy Machado
Cacao is more than just a drink that many are sharing in their ceremonies; it is a Master Plant Medicine that, although not psychedelic, carries the power to open hearts, facilitate deep inner work, and foster a profound connection with the essence of life. My guest Judy Machado, founder of Goddess Temple Cacao, is following her passion to introduce people to the healing magic of Ceremonial Cacao.
Judy spent a year and half Consulting for a bean-to-bar chocolate company. She became infatuated with the spiritual story and significance of Cacao and whole-heartedly connected to the power of this heart-opening, Consciousness-raising plant medicine.
She worked intimately with a Shipibo-Canibo trained Shaman to deepen her connection with the plant, journeying through many of the ancient and sacred Cacao Dietas to receive teachings and wisdom. She began to experience a deepening relationship to this benevolent Spirit Guide, receiving messages to share with the world.
In this episode, Judy discusses:
- How Cacao is a Master Teacher Plant
- The difference between medicinal and teacher plants
- Creating a Cacao ritual
- How the Cacao Spirit invites a heart-opening journey inward
- The Cacao Dieta ceremony
- Developing a relationship with the Spirit of Cacao
- Transforming beliefs
- How the Spirit of Cacao can help us remember and broaden our perspectives
- Creating the Cacao ritual that’s right for you
- The transformative nature of Cacao
- Free introductory gifts she offers people (links below)
- 5-Day Cacao Drinking Challenge for beginners (link below)
- Cacao retreats
Free offerings for Lucid Café listeners from Judy:
- FREE Metamorphosis Journey-To-Self Meditation
- 5-Day Cacao Drinking Challenge: Breakup with coffee & Awaken with Cacao
- FREE live training How to Transform Your Passion for Cacao into a Profitable, Impactful Business
- FREE live training Meet your Cacao & Mushroom Spirit Guides through the sacred Master Plant Medicine Dieta
More Info/Enroll: BECOME YOUR OWN SHAMAN Introductory Online Course
Visit Wendy’s website to learn more about the Harmonic Egg® Sound and Light Energy Therapy Pod
“Gifts and Tools to Explore and Celebrate the Unseen Worlds” - The Lucid Path Boutique
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