Finding Inner Peace with Author Diane Dreher, PhD
Diane Dreher is on a mission to make the world a more peaceful place…and that peace starts inside each one of us. In her book The Tao of Inner Peace, which draws upon the vital lessons of the Tao Te Ching, she invites us to create greater balance by aligning with the rhythms of ourselves and the natural world.
Diane Dreher, PhD, is the author of five nonfiction books including the best-selling Tao of Inner Peace. She is an award-winning university professor and positive psychology researcher whose work on hope has been recognized internationally.
In the episode Diane discusses:
- Her early introduction to Asian culture
- An overview of Taoism
- Her martial arts training
- A technique to avoid conflict
- What it means to be centered
- The impact of stress
- Yin and Yang imbalance
- Readiness
- Struggling with motivation
- Taking small steps
- Struggling with discipline
- Spiritual vitamins
- The Tao philosophy on health
- Harmonious action
- Taoist conflict resolution
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