Shamanism: The Primordial Spirituality with Hank Wesselman, PhD
I’ve always enjoyed listening to my guest Hank Wesselman talk story, and this episode doesn’t disappoint! As a celebrated author and teacher for over 20 years, Hank has a way of bringing the esoteric nature of shamanism down to earth. In this episode, he shares what he’s learned and observed about the transformative nature of shamanism, the impact religion has had on ancient cultures, what the future might bring, and discusses the evolution of his own dreaming (hint: could there be a book 4 in the Spiritwalker series?)
I’ve had the great fortune to study with a handful of shamanic teachers, but there’s something special about Hank Wesselman. I like that he’s a scholar who had the courage to share his own visionary experiences in a very public way with his first three books, now referred to as the Spiritwalker Trilogy. And because of his courage, thousands of people around the world have benefited and grown – and have made the indigenous mind worldview a part of their lives.
In this episode we cover a lot of ground, including:
- The transformative nature of having a personal shamanic practice
- Hank’s relationship with his friend and mentor, the Hawaiian elder Hale Makua and the process of writing the Bowl of Light
- Fans of Hank’s Spiritwalker Trilogy will be thrilled to learn that the communications with his descendent from 5000 years in the future have resumed and it seems another book is in the works.
- Hank slips into new territory by giving some sound relationship advice. He describes the wonderful morning practice that he and his equally powerful wife, Jill Kuykendall, use to deepen their connection
- He talks about the damage Christianity has done to ancient cultures and languages
- And the contemporary practice of shamanism in the Western world
- And he tells the story of White Buffalo Woman as shared by the famous medicine man, Black Elk
Contact Lucid Cafe host, Wendy Halley