A Podcast Exploring Healing, Consciousness, and the Complexities of Being Human

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The Critical State of Thinking with Dr Janine Oliver

This seems like one of the more important episodes I’ve released since the podcast started back in 2018. My guest Dr Janine Oliver is a clinical psychologist who has e...

Unleash Your Potential with Author Becca Powers

Have you ever wanted to create change? Or unapologetically chase your dreams? Yet for some reason you stop before you ever get started? Do you ever feel stretched in s...

Develop Your Intuition with Author Happy Ali

With all the external noise vying for our attention these days, it’s easy to forget that we have access to a wealth of wisdom within each of us and beyond. My guest Ha...

Rethinking How You Walk with Author Bruce Fertman

This episode might surprise you. I had no idea until I spoke with my guest Bruce Fertman that the way we’ve unconsciously learned to walk is actually doing us a disser...

A Cup of Love: Ceremonial Cacao with Judy Machado

Cacao is more than just a drink that many are sharing in their ceremonies; it is a Master Plant Medicine that, although not psychedelic, carries the power to open hear...

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